About page mockup with survey

Solutions in Health Analytics for Rural Equity across the Northwest (SHARE-NW) is a collaboration of public health leaders across Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska working to identify, gather, and visualize public health data to more effectively address rural health disparities and achieve health equity in the Pacific Northwest.

Rural communities in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska face high poverty and are home to large populations of Alaska Native, Native American, Latino, and other residents who are often marginalized and disproportionately impacted by health disparities. Their plight is compounded by significant barriers faced by local public health leaders in accessing and using relevant data that would support evidence-driven decision-making and priority setting to promote health equity in their communities.

Our Team

The SHARE-NW project team is a multidisciplinary team based at the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice (NWCPHP) with collaborators from local and state public health organizations. This work is guided by a region-wide Equity Advisory Committee.

  • Principal Investigator: Betty Bekemeier, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN
  • Project Co-Director: Uba Backonja, PhD, MS, RN
  • Project Co-Director: Barbara Baquero, PhD, MPH
  • Project Co-Director: Anne Turner, MD, MPH, MLIS

This five-year project is supported by a grant (#1 CPIMP171144-01-00) from the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health.

Website Development

We developed this website through a user centered design approach. We worked in collaboration with rural public health practitioners in AK, ID, OR, and WA as well as content experts in public health, informatics, data visualization, user texting, and user-centered design. The content focuses on three major areas of interest to public health leaders: aggregated disparate local public health data, the ability to select pertinent data into informative visualizations, and curated trainings on using data to drive decisions in healthcare.